
DON'T LET YOUR RELUCTANT READERS FALL FURTHER BEHIND...Here are some strategies that may hook them into reading:

Start with your child's passions. When kids own the choice of what they will read, motivation increases.

Make reading a social experience. Your child may not enjoy reading alone but will enjoy reading with a parent, siblings, friends.

Read aloud to your child. Doing so throughout the elementary grades improves listening skills, builds comprehension, lengthens attention span and grows the imagination.

Use new technology. Children who don't find books interesting may find it cool reading the same texts on smart phones, computers and electronic readers.

Be a role model. Let your kids see you reading and discussing what you've read.

Camouflage reading. Incorporate it into other pastimes like reading menus at restaurants, the directions to board games, or looking at websites.

Make sure the books your child reads are  a"good fit." Many don't want to read because the books are too difficult and frustrating. Good fit books are those which students can read fluently with 95% accuracy. Too many difficult words leads to discouragement.

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